We use only ecological, natural and recycled materials, in order to encourage a conscious approach to global pollution, reducing as much as possible the production cycles and activating only environmentally sustainable ones. Our main goal is to use different fabrics and materials from various production chains, each of them focused on the renewal of existing fabrics, or on the production of natural or recycled materials.


The corn material is made with food maize, but produced for the specific fashion chain, to ensure a biocompatibility of this fabric, which has elastic properties and a very soft and fine fiber, that allows you to create accessories of great value and refinement, thanks to its minimal thickness and its lightness. Perfect also for soft bags thanks to its very malleable texture. It is very durable and guarantees to be produced by reducing the pollution that would instead result from the production of synthetic materials. The impact of a product made with corn, is undoubtedly non-existent thanks to its completely vegetable origin.



Made with the bark of the cork oak variety present in our Sardinian land and in the Mediterranean basin. It’s a special material that’s very resistant to wear and friction, durable over time. In the natural variants it has a soft and warm touch, while in the colored or printed versions its texture is masked but with the pitfalls of time almost like a living being, it manifests its experience by returning wear to its flesh-colored nature allowing a repeated restoration without time limits.


We create our luxury boxes with post-use recycled paper and paper made with algae, to help through our packaging, to reduce costs and optimize existing resources by giving them new life. In addition, some types of paper are made with waste such as dried algae, avoiding the use of trees that becoming more and more a resource to be preserved. We also use plastic packaging recovered from factories that use it for intermediate production processes, lengthening its life cycle, while all plastic supports purchased, intended for packaging, derive completely from recycled plastics.


All bags from this collection, are made only with Pineapple leaves and cotton. This precious material comes from the waste from the pineapple cultivation in the Philippines. It has unique properties because its unique texture generated by the natural fiber of the leaf, gives extreme uniqueness and at the same time an enviable yield over time. Thanks to its characteristics, in fact, it is naturally scratch-resistant, resisting also to a particularly extreme and aggressive wear, especially in the natural opaque variants.



We optimize all the resources used, reducing production, avoiding new ones and optimizing those already realized until the existing materials are exhausted. We search and select the animal free materials that lie in the warehouses of manufacturers and façonists, We check their performance and divide them by high and medium-low quality. Those of value are intended for production, while the others are intended for secondary uses (labels, bags, tags). In this way we honor the resources used to produce them, we exhaust them and at the same time give them new life avoiding that they become a waste and therefore a cost



A material derived from the recovery of post-consumer PET, recovered from the plastic chain generated by plastic bottles. This material is a real marriage of innovation and ethics, since from a material that would have been destined to be disposed of whose disposal process would have generated a cost, we can recover and a valuable resource that generates, without activating a new production of raw materials, a new and efficient material, which perfectly achieves the concept of circular economy.


LAV - Lega anti vivisezione 

Animal Free Lav Certification

Fur Free Retailer America

Fur Free Retailer certification